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Showing posts from December, 2013

is this seat free?

So, after you think you have seen it all, I checked in and thought I was running late. Couldn't find somewhere to seat at the D34 KLM departure lounge. I walked towards a free-standing space next to a wall to lean on it. When I suddenly heard two ladies, or should I just say two female adults talking rather loudly. whilst I was still trying to get my head around what the conversation was about, I just saw lady number two reach over and slap lady number one hard across the face "yelling am I your mate?!?" A typical Nigerian expression you hear during fights. Omg it turns out that lady number one was trying to save the seat next to her for an elderly woman who got up to go buy water. An important fact to note about this, is that none of these women are related to the elderly woman. So lady number two ignores lady number ones initial comments which must have made her say something rude which resulted in an early morning cat fight entertainment. In a normal worl

Before you start jumping around, come and fetch water….

So its 7.00 am Saturday morning and NEPA graciously welcomed me back by taking the light and not bringing it back. So the coal city had been draped in total darkness for the last 10 hours till daylight allowed us appreciate our surroundings again. I can see that it’s a bit too late for Okpara square, it has now turned into the bootcamp workout area for all Enugu people and visitors alike. My mum thinks however that it is where people go to hook up .  She says if they ate less they wouldn’t have to go jumping around outside looking for someone to chase them around. Anyways I am still mentally sorting my dvds to decide what workout I wanted to do when I realized that the water drum in the hallway was almost empty. Like the good daughter I am trying to be, I asked my mum if I should fill up the drum for her and she said no because the young woman that comes to fetch water for her would be there on Monday. So I walked off to go put on my gym clothes. On second thought being that

A Shopping Spree @ Ogbete Main Market

Since I couldn't say to my mum that I have this crazy idea to run around the market taking pictures of food stuff without an actual intent to buy anything, I came up with a plan for different dishes we could cook, in which getting food stuff for the dishes would take us all around the market . I was basically trying to relive one of the countless shopping trips that happened every Saturday since I can remember. And if you have relatives that somehow never manage to part from the motherland's kitchen, they always use you as private DHL for local food stuff. So, I had a ground crayfish and dried pepper order to deliver to my sister in the UK. This what my list looked like pepper soup, Ofe ewa, Anyala with ose orji and the DHL order. And I had this burning desire to also have an Okpa di oku. We entered the market via the old park and were greeted by the okirika traders. Okirika refers to second hand clothes shipped from abroad. I remember at sometimes I prefe

Road Trip - And your husband left you alone?

Sometimes my friends do not understand when I say certain things but there is a norm and a standard back home. A silent non-written agreement about how one's life is meant to go as a woman. So as I embarked on one of my many road trips to cover my first stop Ibadan. Totally excited to visit my 2nd brother and his family. I hadn't seen my nephew since he was born early in the year. I had the possibility to commute using the following options : get a private driver to drive you down if you have one, take a drop or join a shared vehicle. I wouldn't dare say walk but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that they maybe people forced to do so. I went for option two since I wasn't adventurous about the shared vehicle. That's how I met Comrad a rather funny but straightforward honest army officer. As we started the journey, joining the Lagos Ibadan expressway, we drove past the motorways center. I recalled driving to that building from monday to friday for over a y